German Teacher

Muhammad Araby


09/2020 – 05/2022 Postgraduate Studies at Al-Azhar University CairoFaculty

of Languages and Translation, German

09/2011 – 05/2016 Bachelor’s Degree at Al-Azhar University Cairo- Faculty of

Languages and Translation, Department of Islamic Studies in German

09/2008 – 06/2011 High School Diploma – Al-Qanater Gymnasium (Kalyobiya,


09/2022 – 09/2023 Pedagogical Teaching Diploma – Ein-Shams University,

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Since 04/2018 Online Courses (More than 50 Courses) – LinkedIn (Online



03/2019 – 10/2023 : CIoT Quality Coach (for German, British, South African, and

Greek teams) – Vodafone Group (Cairo, Egypt) :

  • Controlling
  • Risk management
  • Personnel leadership and training
  • Evaluation of agent performance (language, communication, expertise, etc.)
  • Coach, mentor, and trainer for agents in best-practice methods
  • Helping agents reach their potential rather than dictating what they should do.

Since 01/2020 Director of Learning Programs – MYC Academy (Kalyobiya, Egypt) :

  • Development of learning processes
  • Distribution of learning materials
  • Evaluation of courses
  • Planning language and IT courses

Since 08/2021 German Course Instructor – TLH Academy (Cairo, Egypt) :

  • Planning and conducting German courses
  • Participation in meetings
  • Collaboration with other instructors
  • Individual and group tutoring in German
  • Correcting homework
  • Assistance with exam preparations

Since 10/2022 Elected Board Member – Al-Moneera Children and Youth Recreation

Facility – Ministry for Youth and Sports, Kalyobiya.

09/2018 – 09/2021 Teacher in Secondary Education I and II – Manart Al-Iman

International School (Cairo, Egypt) :

  • Preparation, execution, and follow-up of German classes
  • Evaluation of student performance
  • Counseling and support for students
  • Conducting parent meetings and parent-teacher conferences
  • Organization of excursions
  • Coaching students in setting learning goals
  • Implementation of projects to strengthen class community
  • Correcting homework
  • Assistance with exam preparations
Student-Centered Learning
Audio-visual aid implementation
Tailoring Curriculum Plans
Experiential learning